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Describe any three features of federalism in India.

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(i) There ate two or more levels (or tiers) of government.
(ii) Different tiers of goverilment govern the same citizens, but each tier has Hs own jurisdiction in speclftc matter& of legislation, taxation and admlnistralion.
(iii) The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified ln the constitution.
(iv) The fundamental provisions of the constitution cannot be unilaterally changed by one level of government. Such changes require the consent of both the levels of government.
(v) Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of different levels of government.
(vi) Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly spedfied to ensure Its flnanclal autonomy.
(vii) The federal system, thus had dual objectives: To safeguard and promote the unity of the country, while preservlng regional diversity.
