According to the passage
pageRank technology analyses the relevance of information
google search does not determine which pages contain relevant information
google was the first search player on the web
yahoo entered the market after google
The correct Answer is:C
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For the system shown in fig, there is no friction anywhere. Masses m1andm2 can move up or down in the slots cut in mass M. Two non-zero horizontal force F1 and F2 are applied as shown. The pulleys are massles and frictionless. Given m1≠m2
According to the above passage, which is correct?
View SolutionElephants spray water over their ears to stay cool. The rhythm of an elephant's day is set largely by its watering routine. An adult needs about thirty gallons of water a day. When water is abundant there is no problem. But during droughts, elephants resort to an intriguing. technique, digging wells . In a dried-up river bed they scoop out holes with their forefeet until they reach water. After waiting patiently for the sand to settle, they drink in order of seniority, calves last.
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Knowledge Check
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions following according to the data given in it.
The recent rapid growth of industry has, in some cases, been so excessive that too much manufacturing capacity has been developed in some fields of production which forces companies to sell their surplus products in world markets at prices lower than normal. This will make it impossible to develop local industries producing the same items because consumers will prefer to buy the cheaper imported product.
According to the passage, the situation resulting from the rapid industrial growth isAfavourable to the manufacturersBdisastrous to the exportersCcondusive to the growth of industriesDnone of theseFor any activity, discipline is the key word. It should begin with self, then be extended to the family, neighbours environment, workplace, society and the nation at large. It is from society that inspiration is drawn. Systems and institutions should provide the inspiration to society through performance which in turn will provide leaders capable of rebuilding and restructuring the society into a strong nation. The nationalists' spirit then becomes infectious.
According to the passage Discipline should beginAwith selfBwith self, family and neighbours.Cwith self, family, neighbours and environment.Dwith self, family, workplace, society.Elephants spray water over their ears to stay cool. The rhythm of an elephant's day is set largely by its watering routine. An adult needs about thirty gallons of water a day. When water is abundant there is no problem. But during droughts, elephants resort to an intriguing. technique, digging wells . In a dried-up river bed they scoop out holes with their forefeet until they reach water. After waiting patiently for the sand to settle, they drink in order of seniority, calves last.
According to the passage, elephants spray water over themselves.Ato have funBto ward off the heatCto cool their heelsDto quench their thirst
For any activity, discipline is the key word. It should begin with self, then be extended to the family, neighbours environment, workplace, society and the nation at large. It is from society that inspiration is drawn. Systems and institutions should provide the inspiration to society through performance which in turn will provide leaders capable of rebuilding and restructuring the society into a strong nation. The nationalists' spirit then becomes infectious.
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View SolutionWhen we talk of education in our present age, we think largely in terms of schools and colleges. The man who is well-to-do spends money in sending his son to foreign lands, in the belief that some wonderful process will take place there transforming a dull fellow into a genius. Yet the products of expensive schools and universities often fail to make good. On the other hand, the poor man who has strugggled against adversity often earns the highest honour. The fact is that the true background of early education is the home. The influence of the mother, the inspiring examples that are held before the child at an age while he is impressionable , are the true groundwork of character.
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View SolutionThe beauty of the Japanese landscape is that it conveys philosophical messages through each feature. The use of curving pathways rather than straight lines, for instance. This feature springs from the belief that only evil travels in straight lines, good forces tend to wander. Then, odd numbers of plants or trees are used in these gardens because these numbers are considered auspicious. Even the plants used are symbolic. For example, the cyprus represents longevity and the bamboo symbolises abundance, says Sadhana Roy Choudhary.
In Japan, nature is said to be so closely intertwined with human life that parents actually plant a sapling in their garden when a child is born in the family, letting the growth of the child coincide with the growth of the plant.
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All sources of energy upon which industry depends are wasted when they are employed, and industry is expanding them at a continually increasing rate. Already coal has been largely replaced by oil and oil is being used up so fast that the East and the West alike consider it to be necessary for their prosperity. And what is true of oil is equally true of other natural resources. Everyday, in fact, many miles of forests are turned into newspapers, but there is no known process by which newspapers can be turned into forests. You will say that this need not worry us, since newspapers will be replaced by radio, but radio requires electricity, electricity requires power and power requires raw materials.
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View SolutionFor the system shown in fig, there is no friction anywhere. Masses m1andm2 can move up or down in the slots cut in mass M. Two non-zero horizontal force F1 and F2 are applied as shown. The pulleys are massles and frictionless. Given m1≠m2
According to the above passage, which is correct?
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