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What is the unit digit of 3 68 × 4 73 × 15 101 ?









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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the unit digit of the expression 368×473×15101, we can break it down step by step.

Step 1: Find the unit digit of 368
The unit digits of powers of 3 follow a pattern:
- 31=3 (unit digit 3)
- 32=9 (unit digit 9)
- 33=27 (unit digit 7)
- 34=81 (unit digit 1)
- 35=243 (unit digit 3, and the pattern repeats)

The pattern of unit digits for powers of 3 is: 3, 9, 7, 1 (repeats every 4 terms).

To find the unit digit of 368, we calculate 68mod4:
68÷4=17(remainder 0)
Since the remainder is 0, the unit digit corresponds to 34, which is 1.

Step 2: Find the unit digit of 473
The unit digits of powers of 4 also follow a pattern:
- 41=4 (unit digit 4)
- 42=16 (unit digit 6)
- 43=64 (unit digit 4)
- 44=256 (unit digit 6, and the pattern repeats)

The pattern of unit digits for powers of 4 is: 4, 6 (repeats every 2 terms).

To find the unit digit of 473, we calculate 73mod2:
73÷2=36(remainder 1)
Since the remainder is 1, the unit digit corresponds to 41, which is 4.

Step 3: Find the unit digit of 15101
The unit digit of any power of 15 is always 5, because:
- 151=15 (unit digit 5)
- 152=225 (unit digit 5)
- and so on...

Thus, the unit digit of 15101 is 5.

Step 4: Combine the unit digits
Now we combine the unit digits we found:
- Unit digit of 368 is 1.
- Unit digit of 473 is 4.
- Unit digit of 15101 is 5.

Now, we multiply these unit digits together:
The unit digit of 20 is 0.

Final Answer
The unit digit of 368×473×15101 is 0.

