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Concentrated nitric acid can be transported in vessels of iron. Why ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Nature of Iron:
- Iron is a metal that can react with acids, but it has a unique property when it comes to concentrated nitric acid.

2. Passive Behavior of Iron:
- Concentrated nitric acid is known to passivate iron. This means that when iron comes into contact with concentrated nitric acid, it does not react as one might expect. Instead, it forms a protective layer.

3. Formation of Protective Oxide Film:
- When concentrated nitric acid is in contact with iron, a protective oxide film, specifically iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3), forms on the surface of the iron. This film acts as a barrier.

4. Prevention of Further Reactions:
- The protective oxide layer (Fe2O3) prevents further reactions between the iron and the concentrated nitric acid. This means that the iron vessel does not corrode or degrade when it contains concentrated nitric acid.

5. Conclusion:
- Therefore, due to the passive nature of iron and the formation of a protective oxide film, concentrated nitric acid can be safely transported in vessels made of iron without causing damage to the vessel.

