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How to save a patient suffering from kidney failure?

Video Solution
Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Kidney Failure:
- Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys can no longer filter waste products from the blood effectively. This leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.

2. Recognizing the Role of Blood:
- Blood is a colloidal solution that contains various dissolved substances, including toxic impurities that need to be removed to maintain health.

3. Identifying the Treatment:
- The primary treatment for patients suffering from kidney failure is dialysis. Dialysis is a medical procedure that mimics the natural filtration process of healthy kidneys.

4. Understanding Dialysis:
- Dialysis works by removing waste products and excess fluids from the blood. It can be done through two main methods: Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis.
- Hemodialysis: Blood is drawn out of the body, filtered through a dialysis machine, and then returned to the body.
- Peritoneal Dialysis: A special fluid is introduced into the abdominal cavity, which absorbs waste products from the blood through the peritoneal membrane.

5. Administering Dialysis:
- The patient will need to undergo dialysis sessions regularly, depending on the severity of the kidney failure and the type of dialysis chosen. This process helps to purify the blood and remove toxic impurities.

6. Monitoring and Follow-Up:
- Continuous monitoring of the patient’s health and kidney function is essential. Follow-up appointments with healthcare providers will help assess the effectiveness of the dialysis and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

7. Consideration for Transplant:
- In some cases, if dialysis is not sufficient, a kidney transplant may be considered as a long-term solution for patients with end-stage kidney failure.
