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Mention different types of reaction based on their speeds . Give examples .

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Introduction to Reaction Speeds: Chemical reactions can be classified based on their speeds into three main categories: very slow reactions, very fast reactions, and moderate reactions.

2. Very Slow Reactions:
- Definition: These reactions take a long time to complete, indicating a low rate of reaction.
- Examples:
- Photosynthesis: The process by which green plants convert sunlight into chemical energy.
- Rusting of Iron: The slow oxidation of iron in the presence of moisture and oxygen.
- Formation of Coal and Petroleum: Geological processes that take millions of years to form these fossil fuels.

3. Very Fast Reactions:
- Definition: These reactions occur in a very short time frame, indicating a high rate of reaction and typically have a smaller activation energy.
- Examples:
- Reaction between Sodium Chloride and Silver Nitrate: This reaction produces Silver Chloride and Sodium Nitrate almost instantaneously.
- Burning of Petrol: A rapid combustion reaction that releases energy quickly.
- Neutralization Reactions: The reaction between acids and bases, which occurs quickly to form salt and water.

4. Moderate Reactions:
- Definition: These reactions are neither very slow nor very fast, falling somewhere in between.
- Example:
- Hydrolysis of Sucrose: The breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose, which occurs at a moderate pace.

5. Conclusion: In summary, chemical reactions can be categorized based on their speeds into very slow, very fast, and moderate reactions, each with distinct characteristics and examples.
