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Why is the electron affinity of chlorine greater than that of fluorine ?

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To understand why the electron affinity of chlorine is greater than that of fluorine, we can break down the explanation into several steps:

Step 1: Define Electron Affinity
Electron affinity is the amount of energy released when an electron is added to a neutral atom in the gas phase. A higher electron affinity means that the atom releases more energy when it gains an electron.

Step 2: Compare Atomic Sizes
- Fluorine Size: Fluorine is a smaller atom compared to chlorine. The atomic radius of fluorine is about 64 pm (picometers).
- Chlorine Size: Chlorine has a larger atomic radius of about 99 pm.
- Reasoning: As we move down the group in the periodic table, the size of the atoms increases due to the addition of electron shells. Chlorine, being larger, has more space to accommodate an additional electron.

Step 3: Consider Electron Repulsion
- Fluorine's Electron Configuration: Fluorine has a very compact electron cloud, which means that when an additional electron is added, there is significant electron-electron repulsion due to the close proximity of the existing electrons.
- Chlorine's Electron Configuration: Chlorine, on the other hand, has a larger electron cloud, which allows for better accommodation of an additional electron with less repulsion.

Step 4: Energy Considerations
- Energy Release: When an electron is added to an atom, the energy released (or the stability gained) can be influenced by the size of the atom and the repulsion between electrons.
- Chlorine's Advantage: Chlorine, being larger, can stabilize the added electron more effectively than fluorine, resulting in a greater release of energy (higher electron affinity).

Thus, the electron affinity of chlorine is greater than that of fluorine primarily due to the larger atomic size of chlorine, which allows it to accommodate an additional electron with less repulsion compared to fluorine.

