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Least cuticular transpiration is relatively observed in









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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Transpiration: Transpiration is the process through which plants lose water, primarily through small openings called stomata. It can occur through different pathways, one of which is cuticular transpiration.

2. What is Cuticular Transpiration?: Cuticular transpiration refers specifically to the loss of water through the cuticle, which is a waxy layer covering the leaves and stems of plants. This layer helps to minimize water loss.

3. Identifying Plant Types: The question provides four options:
- Xerophytes
- Hydrophytes
- Mesophytes
- Lithophytes

4. Analyzing Xerophytes: Xerophytes are plants that are adapted to survive in environments with very low water availability, such as deserts. They have thick cuticles to reduce water loss, resulting in the least cuticular transpiration.

5. Analyzing Hydrophytes: Hydrophytes are plants that live in water. They do not need to conserve water, so they have minimal cuticular development and thus experience higher rates of transpiration.

6. Analyzing Mesophytes: Mesophytes are plants that require a moderate amount of water. They have a balance of cuticular transpiration, but it is not the least among the options.

7. Analyzing Lithophytes: Lithophytes are plants that grow on rocks and require moderate water availability. Similar to mesophytes, they do not have the least cuticular transpiration.

8. Conclusion: Based on the analysis, xerophytes have the least cuticular transpiration due to their adaptations to conserve water in arid environments.

Final Answer: Least cuticular transpiration is relatively observed in xerophytes.

