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Explain with a suitable example borax bead test.

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Step-by-Step Solution for Borax Bead Test

Step 1: Understanding Borax Composition
- Borax, chemically known as sodium tetraborate decahydrate, has the formula Na₂B₄O₇·10H₂O. It contains sodium (Na), boron (B), and oxygen (O) in its structure.

Step 2: Heating Borax
- When borax is heated, it first loses its water molecules (dehydration). This process causes the borax to swell as the water evaporates.

Step 3: Formation of Borax Bead
- Upon further heating, the borax transforms into a transparent liquid. This liquid then solidifies into a glass-like material known as a borax bead.

Step 4: Chemical Reactions
- The heating process can be summarized in two stages:
1. Dehydration: The initial loss of water molecules leads to the formation of anhydrous borax (Na₂B₄O₇).
2. Further Heating: With continued heating, the anhydrous borax decomposes to form sodium metaborate (NaBO₂) and boron trioxide (B₂O₃).

Step 5: Borax Bead Test
- The borax bead test is used to identify certain metal ions. When a sample containing metal ions is mixed with the borax bead and heated in a flame, the metal ions impart characteristic colors to the bead, allowing for identification.

- For instance, if we introduce a sample containing copper ions (Cu²⁺) to the borax bead and heat it, the bead may turn green due to the formation of a copper borate complex.
