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How is acetic acid converted separately to methylamine and ethyl amine? 

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To convert acetic acid to methylamine and ethylamine, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Conversion of Acetic Acid to Acetamide
- Reaction: Acetic acid (CH₃COOH) is reacted with ammonia (NH₃) to form acetamide (CH₃CONH₂).
- Equation:

Step 2: Conversion of Acetamide to Methylamine
- Reaction: Acetamide is then heated with bromine (Br₂) in the presence of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to produce methylamine (CH₃NH₂).
- Equation:

Step 3: Conversion of Acetamide to Ethylamine
- Reaction: Acetamide can also be reduced using lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH₄) to form ethylamine (C₂H₅NH₂).
- Equation:

Summary of Conversions
- Acetic acid → Acetamide → Methylamine (via bromination)
- Acetic acid → Acetamide → Ethylamine (via reduction)
