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Intermediate host of human liver fluke is








A fish and a snail

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To answer the question about the intermediate host of the human liver fluke, we can break down the life cycle of the liver fluke step by step.

1. Understanding the Organism: The human liver fluke is a parasitic flatworm scientifically known as *Fasciola hepatica*. It is important to know that it has a complex life cycle involving multiple hosts.

2. Identifying the Hosts: The life cycle of the liver fluke involves two main types of hosts: the definitive host and the intermediate host. The definitive host is where the adult fluke lives and reproduces, while the intermediate host is where the larval stages develop.

3. Life Cycle Stages: The liver fluke begins its life cycle when eggs are excreted in the feces of an infected human. These eggs hatch into larvae (miracidia) that infect snails, which serve as the first intermediate host.

4. Further Development: Inside the snail, the larvae develop into another stage called cercariae, which are then released into the water. These cercariae can then infect freshwater fish, which can act as a second intermediate host.

5. Final Host: Humans become infected by consuming undercooked or raw fish that contain the encysted larvae.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the intermediate hosts of the human liver fluke are primarily snails and freshwater fish.

Final Answer:
The intermediate host of the human liver fluke is snails and freshwater fish.

