Given below is a passage followed by several inferences, Examine the inferences separately in the context of the passage, and determine whether they are true or false.
Carbon pollution is the main reason our planet is getting hotter, increasing the chances of weather disasters, drought and flood and hurting our health. There are solutions. For starters, we can cut carbon pollution by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and increasing our use of clean, renewable energy. And we can implement policies that help us prepare for flooding drought, storms and other consequences of climate change.
Renewable energy is polluted our enviornment.
If the inference is definitely true, i.e. it directly follows from the statement of facts given.
If the inference is probably true, though not directly true, in the light of the statement of facts given.
If the inference is uncertain, i.e. data is insufficient to decide whether the inference is true or false.
If the inference is definitely false, i.e. it cannot possibly be inferred from statement of facts given.
The correct Answer is:D
Renewable energy is an option to clear polluated environment not their cause so it is definitely false.
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