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“An ideal government would not only keep itself away from corruption but also make fighting corruption and black money a top priority".

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The above statement signify the following practices and institutions:
Regular free and fair elections, open public debate on major policies and legislation and citizens. right to information about the government and its functions.
An ideal government in a democracy follows procedures and is accountable to the people.
A citizen has the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This is transparency.
An ideal government is attentive and responsive to the needs and expectations of the people and is largely free of corruption as it is a legitimate government. It is peoples. own government.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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  • Question 1 - Select One

    In the following questions a statement(s) is/are given followed by two assumptions I and II. State which one is implicit in (valid from the given statement(s). Indicate your answer from the four alternatives given below.
    Statement : If only the government takes up drastic steps to root out corruption our country will march towards prosperity.
    Assumptions :
    I. The government is the only authority to take strong action against corrupt people.
    II. Corruption hinders the country's march towards prosperity.

    AOnly I is implicit
    BOnly II is implicit
    CBoth I and II are implicit
    DNeither I nor II is implicit
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  • Question 3 - Select One

    Passage 1 is adapted from a speech given by Senator Robert Y. hayne in 1830. Passage 2 is adapted from a speech given in response by Sanator Daniel Webster on the following day.
    Passage 1.
    If I could, by a mere act of my will put at the disposal of the Federal Government any amount of treasur which I might think proper to name, I should limit the amount to the
    means necessary for the legitimate purpose of Government. Sir, an immense national treasuring would be a fund for corruption. It would enable Congress and the Executive to exercise a control over States, as well as over great intersts in teh country, nay even over corporations and individuals-utterly destructive of the purity, and fatal to the duration of our institutions. It would be equally fatal to the sovereignty and independence of the States. Sir, I am one of those who believe that the very life of our system is the independence of teh States, and there is no evil more to be deprecated than the consolidation of this Government. It is only by a strict adherence to the limitations imp[osed by the constitution on the Federal Government, that this system works well, and can answer the great ends for which it was instituted. i am opposed, therefore, in any shape, to all unnecessary extension of the powers, or the influence of the Legislature of Exective of influence of the Legislature of Executive of the Union over the States, or the people of the States, and, most of all, I am opposed to those partial distibutions of favors, whether by legislation or appropriation, which has a direct and powerful tendency to spread corruption through the land, to create and abject spirit of dependence, to sow the seeds of dissolution, to produce jealousy among the different portions of teh Union, and finally to sap the very foundations of the Government itself.
    Passage 2
    As a reason for sishing to get rid of the public lands as soon as we could, and as we might, the honorable gentlmeman said, he wanted no permanent sources of income. He wished to see the time when the Government should not possess a shilling of permanent revenue. If he could speak a magical word, and by that word convert the whole capital into gold, the work should not be spoken. The administration of a fixed revenue, [he said] only consolidates the Government, and corrupts the people! Sir, I confess I heard these sentiments uttered on this floor with deep regret and pain.
    I am aware that these, and similar opinions, are espoused by certain persons out of the capinions, are espoused by certain persons out of the capitol, and out of this Government, but I did non expect so soon to find them here. Consolidation!-that perpetual cry, both of terror and delusion- consolidation! Sir, when gentelmen speak of the effects of a common fund, belonging to all the States, as having a tendency to consolidation, what do they mesn? Do they mean, ior can they mean, anything more than that the Union of the States will be strenghened, by whatever continues or furnishes inducements to the people of the States to hold together? If they mean merely this, then, no doubt, the public lands as well as everyhing else in which we have a common interest, tends to consolidation, and to this idea of consolidation every true American ought to be attached, it is neiher more nor less than strengthening the Union itself. This is the sense in which the framers of teh constitution use the would consolidation, and in which sense I adopt and cherish i....
    This,sir, is General Washington's consolidation. This is the ture constitutional consolidation. I wish to see no new powers drawn to the General Government, but I confess I rejoice in whatever tends to strengthen the bond that unites us, and encourages the hope that our Union may be perpetual. And, therefore, I cannot but feel regret at teh expression of such opinions as teh gentleman has ovowed, because I think their obvious tendency is to weaken the bond of our connection.
    Based on the ideas expressed in Passage 1, hayne would most likely rebut Webster's claim in lines 61-67 ("If they mean....strenghtening the Union itself") by stating that

    Ahe(Hayne) does not wish the Union the have more money.
    Bit was a mistake to form a Union.
    Cthe Union would weken if the states were less independent.
    Dthe Union will be more corrupt if the Legislative and Executive branches consolidate into one.