Describe in brief the three challenges faced by democray

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1. Foundation challenge It relates to making the fransition to democracy and then instituting democrabc governament It involves bringing down the existing non democratic regime, keeping millitary away from, controlling, government and establishing a sovering and functional State.
2. Challenge of expansion If involves applying the basic priciple of democratic government across all the regions different social groups and various institutions It pertains to ensuring greater power to local governments extension of federal principle to all the units of the federation, inclusion of women and mmority groups, etc. Most established democracies, e,g, Indian and US face the challenge of expansion.
3. Challenge of deepening of democracy I his challenge involves strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy It means strengthening those institutions that help people.s participation and control in the government It aims at bringing down the control and influence of rich and powerful people in making governmental decisions.

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