Source A: Production across countries
Until the middle of the twentieth century, production was largely organised within countries. What crossed the boundaries of these countries were raw material, food stuff and finished products. Colonies such as India exported raw materials and food stuff and imported finished goods. Trade was the main channel connecting distance countries. This was before large companies called multinational corporations (MNCs) emerged on the scene.
Source B: Foreign trade and integration of markets
Foreign trade creates an opportunity for the producers to reach beyond the domestic markets, i.e., markets of their own countries. Producers can sell their produce not only in markets located within the country but can also compete in markets located in other countries of the world. Similarly, for the buyers, import of goods produced in another country is one way of expanding the choice of goods beyond what is domestically produced
Source C: Impact of globalisation.
Globalisationand greater competition amongproducers—both local and foreignproducers has been of advantage to consumers, particularly the well-off sections in the urban areas. There is greater choice before these consumers who now enjoy improved quality and lower prices for several products. As a result, these people today, enjoy much higher standards of living than was possible earlier.
Source A: Production across countries.
How are MNCs a major force in connecting the countries of the world? 1 Source B: Foreign trade and integration of markets
MNCs have set up production centers in various countries and are supplying produced goods, services and technology to various countries. The countries of the world have come closer and there is a rapid increase in the movement of people between countries. This helps in the integration of world market.
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