One end of a copper rod of uniform cross sectional area and length 150 cm is in contact with ice and the other end with water at 100∘. at what point along its length should a temperature of of 200 degree Celsius be maintained so that in steady state the mass of the ice melting is equal to that of steam produced in the same interval of time. assume that whole system is insulated from the surrounding.
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Step by step video & image solution for One end of a copper rod of uniform cross sectional area and length 150 cm is in contact with ice and the other end with water at 100^@. at what point along its length should a temperature of of 200 degree Celsius be maintained so that in steady state the mass of the ice melting is equal to that of steam produced in the same interval of time. assume that whole system is insulated from the surrounding.. by Physics experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 11 exams.
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