A to B : I am sorry , old man my hen got loose and ran havoc with your garden .
B to A ….
I . That 's all right ,my dog ate your hen .
II . You 'II have to pay for it ,you rescal .
Here , A apologises to B that his hen destroyed B .s gardens B readily answers in I that it was all right because his dog had eaten the hen B says it as fthere were an issure and it were settled with the hen being eaten up. This is funny is we try to imagine A .s face when he hears the answer .Reply II is not funny as it is the most common reponse to such a news.
(vi) Sometimes an incident may be funny because of a twisted use of a word into a different meaning .
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Knowledge Check
We come a cross many funny incidents related to different walks of line . One of the funny incidents is the punchline or a climax - which expected). It is this punchline which makes the incidents funny .
In each of the following questions an incident two statements numbered I and II are given . Considering the incident , you have to decide which of the two statements fits as a punchline .
Clerk : My wife told me to ask you for a raise , Sir. Manager ........
I. All right , I II ask my wife if I can give you one .
II . Doesn 't she also tell you to so some hard work ,Sinhan?Aif you think only statements I fits ,Bif you think only statement II fits ,Cif you think both I and II fit and the wavelengths of approach in both the statements are also more or less the same:Dif you think both I and II fit but the ideas or wavelengths of approached in both the statements are different and contrasting ,P told Q Though I am the son of your father you are NOT my brother " . How is Q related to P ?
ASisterBFatherCDaughterDSonWe come across many funny incidents related to different walks .One of the funny incidents is the punchline or a climax - which gives the incident at sudden transformation or twist into something not expected ).It is this punchline which makes the incident funny.
In each of the following questions , an incidents is described but the punchline is missing -indicated by a blank.After the incident ,two statements numbered I and II are given .Considering the incident , you have to decide which of the two statements fits as a punchline .
Give answer Only I' if you think only statements I fits , Only II if you think only statement II fits , both with contrasting ideas if you think both I and II fit but the ideas or wavelengths of approach in both the statements are different and contrasting , Both with same idea if you think both I and II fir and the wavelengths of approach in both the statements are also I and II fit and the wavelengths of approach in both the statements are alos more or less the same and Neither if you think neither of the statements fits.
A political orator finished his speech thus , I m sorry I have spoken so long .You see , I haven 't got my watch with me . To this a voice rose from the audience,....
I . But there was a calendar behind you .
II . Next time you must bring your watch with you .AOnly IBOnly IICNeitherDBoth with same ideas
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I. She : Well , your salary is not like may father used to make .
II . She : Why don't you go back to your mother then ?
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View SolutionThe king turned round and saw a bearded man running towards them. His hands were pressed against his stomach, from which blood was flowing. When he reached the king he fell fainting to the ground. The king and the hermit removed the man's clothing and found a large wound in his stomach.
The king washed and covered it with his handkerchief. At last the bleeding stopped. The man began to feel better. The king brought fresh water and gave it to him. Then, the king with the hermits help, carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed.
The king tired by his walk and the work he had done, lay down on the floor and slept through the night. When he awoke, it was several minutes before he could remember where he was or who the strange bearded man lying on the bed was. 'Forgive me !' said the bearded man in a weak voice. "I do not know you and have nothing.to forgive you for," said the king. ''You do not know me but I know you.
I am that enemy of yours who swore revenge on you, because you put my brother to death and seized my property. I knew you had gone alone to see that hermit and I made up my mind to kill you on your way home.
But the day passed and you did not return. So, I left my hiding place and I came upon your bodyguard, who recognised me and wounded me. I escaped from them but I should have died if you had not dressed my wounds. I wished to kill you and you have saved my life.
Now, if I live and if you wish it, I will serve you as your most faithful servant and will order my sons to do the same. Forgive me!''
The king was very glad to have made peace with his enemy, so easily and to have won him over as a friend.
The bearded man was
View SolutionThe king turned round and saw a bearded man running towards them. His hands were pressed against his stomach, from which blood was flowing. When he reached the king he fell fainting to the ground. The king and the hermit removed the man's clothing and found a large wound in his stomach.
The king washed and covered it with his handkerchief. At last the bleeding stopped. The man began to feel better. The king brought fresh water and gave it to him. Then, the king with the hermits help, carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed.
The king tired by his walk and the work he had done, lay down on the floor and slept through the night. When he awoke, it was several minutes before he could remember where he was or who the strange bearded man lying on the bed was. 'Forgive me !' said the bearded man in a weak voice. "I do not know you and have nothing.to forgive you for," said the king. ''You do not know me but I know you.
I am that enemy of yours who swore revenge on you, because you put my brother to death and seized my property. I knew you had gone alone to see that hermit and I made up my mind to kill you on your way home.
But the day passed and you did not return. So, I left my hiding place and I came upon your bodyguard, who recognised me and wounded me. I escaped from them but I should have died if you had not dressed my wounds. I wished to kill you and you have saved my life.
Now, if I live and if you wish it, I will serve you as your most faithful servant and will order my sons to do the same. Forgive me!''
The king was very glad to have made peace with his enemy, so easily and to have won him over as a friend.
The bearded man swore revenge on the king because
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