(i) There is a group of seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
(ii) There are four males, three females, two married couples and three unmarried persons in the group.
(iii) The seven persons are seated in a row on the bench.
(iv) Their professions are: engineer, teacher, doctor, psychologist, businessman, architect and student.
(v) B is not married and another person, the psychologist, is the most intelligent.
(vi) The engineer is married to the teacher, who is the least intelligent of the group.
(vii) D is an architect. He is sitting on the leftmost comer.
(viii) The student is sitting on the rightmost corner of the bench.
(ix) The doctor is married to C. C is the second most intelligent of the group followed by her husband.
(x) The least intelligent of the group is sitting on the immediate right of D, followed by the most intelligent.
(xi) There are as many more intelligent persons than the engineer as there are less intelligent.
(xii) On the bench, followed by D there are three females sitting in succession.
(xiii) The psychologist is a female.
(xiv) The student is more intelligent than the architect, who ts more intelligent than only one person, F.
(xv) Neither A nor G is a famale.
What is the profession of A ?
Can't say
The correct Answer is:D
Let us make an intelligence-wise, a profession-wise and a seating wise analysis of the given facts. Start with intelligence because the most direct statements are made about intelligence only.
We have :
a) The psychologist is the most intelligent.
b) The teacher is the least intelligent
c) C is the second most intelligent.
d) The doctor (husband of C) is the third most intelligent.
e) The engineer is the fourth most intelligent.
f) The student is the fifth most intelligent while D (the architect) is the sixth most intelligent.
Explanation of (e) : See statement (ix). There are as many more intelligent persons than the engineer as there are less. It means that the engineer is the fourth most intelligent, i.e., there are three persons more intelligent and three less intelligent than him.
Explanations of (f) : Statement (xii) says that the student is more intelligent than the architect and the architect is more intelligent than just one person F. It means that F must be the least intelligent, the architect must be the sixth most intelligent and the student, the fifth most intelligent.
Now, the intelligence- tree could be drawn as shown below:
(a) The negative sign before C and the positive sign before doctor means female and male respectively. This follows from the fact that the doctor is the husband of C.
(b) Look at statement (v). Here, .he. and not .she. is used for D, the architect. So he must be a male.
Hence, a positive sign before D. Also, it is given that the psychologist is a female.
Let us now make a seating-wise analysis. We have:
a) D is sitting on the leftmost corner.
b) The student is on the rightmost corner.
c) D is followed by the least intelligent (it is F, the teacher) who is followed by the most intelligent (it is the psychologist.)
Further, see (x) - there are three females followed by D on the bench. It means, that F the psychologist, and then C are followed by him because C is the only female in addition to F and the psychologist. Hence, we obtain the following seating - outline :
Note : a) The student must be a male and so are others because thre are only three females in the group.
b) Look at Fig 1. It is obvious that must be the businessman because it is the only profession left.
There are only two couples. We know that Engineer-teacher and C (businessman) - doctor are two couples. This means that all others are unmarried. Hence, the architect (D), the psychologist and the student are unmarried. Further, B is unmarried. So B could either be the student or the psychologist. But statement (v) clearly says that the psychologist is .another person.. Hence, B must be the student.
Now, who is the psychologist ? The psychologist can.t be D, F, C or B because their professions are known. It leaves A, E and G. But A and G are not females - see statement(xiii) - and the psychologist is a female. Hence, E must be the psychologist.
d) Who is the doctor? And who is the engineer? We can see that we have exhausted all information and nothing more could be established. Either A or G are the doctor and the engineer, both are males. This is all that can be known.
Thus we have fig 1 and fig 2 redrawn as :
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(i) A+H2SO4→ASO4+H2
(ii) C+ACl2→CCl2+A
(iii) C+ECl2→ अभिक्रिया नहीं होती
(iv) D+2BCl→DCl2+2B
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(मोल A व B को मिलाने पर वियोजन की मात्रा में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है)
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कथन I : यदि A और B प्रतिदर्श समष्टि S के संगत दो घटनाएँ ऐसा है कि P(A)=0.2 और P((B)=0⋅8 तो A⋃B एक सुनिश्चित घटना है |
कथन I : यदि A और B परस्पर अपवर्ती हों तो P(A)+P(B)=1 इन कथनो में :
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