Fill in the blanks with appropriate code for proper working of the function arm(). The function will receive a number and check whether the number is an Armstrong number or not and display message accordingly.
(Armstrong Number is a number whose sum of cubes of the digits is equal to the number Ex : 153=13+53+33)
class Armstrong
public void arm(int num)
{ public void arm(int num)
Temp = num,
while(num > 0) {
d= (a)............. % 10,
Cube = Math.pow (b) ______,3),
sum = sum + (c )..........
num = num / (d) ..........
( e) ......... (sum == (f)) .............)
System.out.printIn("Not Armstrong"),
(a) (i) sum, (ii) num, (iii) d,
(b) (i) d, (ii) sum, (iii)
(c ) (i) num, (ii) d, (iii) cube
(d) (i) 9, (ii) 10, (iii) 100
(f) (i) temp, (ii) Temp, (iii) n

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The correct Answer is:A, B, C, D

(a) (ii) num (b) (i)d (c) (iii) cube (d) (ii)10 (e) (iii) if (f) (ii) Temp

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