Directions: In the questions given below, a sentence has been broken down into four fragments labeled (A), (B), (C) and (D) and arranged, not necessarily in the correct order. You have to find the correct order of arrangement from the options given below. In case, the sentence is correct in its original form, please select (E) as your answer.
Of higher education because in addition to large-scale (A)/ state universities remain central in the entire structure (B)/ on-campus enrolment they grant affiliation and thereby administer (C)/ and control a large network of colleges in their respective jurisdictions.(D)
The correct Answer is:B
The only viable beginning fragment is B as the rest are clearly continuation of other fragments. Connectors: B and A: B: State universities remain central in the entire structure A: of higher education because in addition to large-scale A and C: A: of higher education because in addition to large-scale C: on-campus enrolment they grant affiliation and thereby administer C and D: C: on-campus enrolment they grant affiliation and thereby administer D: and control a large network of colleges in their respective jurisdictions. The correct sequence is B-A-C-D.
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