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Describe the physiology of urine formation.

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There are three stages involved in the process of urine formation.
1 Glomerulae filtration
(a) Glomerular filtration begins the urine formation process.
b.Inside the glomerulus, blood pressure pushes fluid from capilliaries into the glomerulatr capsule through a specilized layer of cells. This filtration membrane, allows water and small solutes to pass but blocks blood cells and large proteins . The filtrate flows from the glomerular capsule further into the nephron.
2 Tubular or selective reabsorption
When the filtrate exits the glomerulus , it flows into a duct in the nephron called the renal tubule.
b As it moves, the needed substances and some water are reabsorbed through the tube wall into adjacent capilliaries. This reabsorption of vital nutrients from the filtrate is the second step in urine creation.
3 Tubular secretion
The filtrate absorbed in the glomerulus flows through the renale tubule, where nutrients and water are reabsorbed into capilliaries. At the same time H+,K+ creatinine and drugs are removed from the peritubular blood capilliaries into the nephric tubule. This process is called secretion. The secreted ions combine with the remaining filtrate and become urine.
