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Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of the oxide which is the most basic among V 2 O 3 , V 2 O 4 , V 2 O 5









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To calculate the spin-only magnetic moment of the oxide that is the most basic among V2O3,V2O4,V2O5, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the oxidation states of vanadium in each oxide.
- For V2O3:
- Oxygen has an oxidation state of -2.
- Therefore, 2x+3(2)=0 leads to 2x6=0x=+3.

- For V2O4:
- 2x+4(2)=0 leads to 2x8=0x=+4.

- For V2O5:
- 2x+5(2)=0 leads to 2x10=0x=+5.

Step 2: Identify the most basic oxide.
- The basicity of oxides generally decreases with increasing oxidation state. Therefore, V2O3 (with vanadium in +3 oxidation state) is the most basic oxide among the three.

Step 3: Determine the electronic configuration of vanadium in V2O3.
- The electronic configuration of vanadium (atomic number 23) is (Ar)3d34s2.
- In V3+, vanadium loses 3 electrons, resulting in 3d2 configuration.

Step 4: Count the number of unpaired electrons.
- The 3d2 configuration means there are 2 electrons in the d-orbital.
- In the 3d subshell, the two electrons will occupy separate orbitals due to Hund's rule, leading to 2 unpaired electrons.

Step 5: Calculate the spin-only magnetic moment.
- The formula for the spin-only magnetic moment (μs) is given by:
where n is the number of unpaired electrons.

- Substituting n=2:
μs=2(2+2)=2×4=82.83 Bohr magneton

Final Answer:
The spin-only magnetic moment of V2O3 is approximately 2.83 Bohr magneton.

