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Which of the follwoing has maximum CFSE value ?









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To determine which of the given coordination compounds has the maximum Crystal Field Stabilization Energy (CFSE) value, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Oxidation States of the Central Metal Atoms
- For each coordination compound, we need to find the oxidation state of the central metal atom.
- For example, in a compound with iron and water ligands, we can set up the equation:
- Let the oxidation state of iron be x.
- Since water is a neutral ligand, its contribution is 0.
- If the overall charge of the compound is +3, we have:
- Similarly, we can find the oxidation states for cobalt in another compound.

Step 2: Determine the Charge of Each Metal Ion
- After calculating, we find:
- Iron in the first compound is +3.
- Cobalt in the second compound is +3.
- In a compound with cobalt and cyanide ligands:
- Let the oxidation state of cobalt be x.
- Cyanide is a -1 charge ligand and if there are 6 cyanides, we have:
- Thus, we have:
- Iron: +3
- Cobalt: +3
- Cobalt (with cyanide): +3
- Iron (in another example): +2

Step 3: Analyze the Influence of Charge on CFSE
- The CFSE increases with the charge of the metal ion. Higher charge typically leads to a greater splitting of d-orbitals.
- In our case, we have three +3 charged ions and one +2 charged ion. Therefore, the +2 ion will have a lower CFSE compared to the +3 ions.

Step 4: Consider the Nature of the Ligands
- The strength of the ligand also affects the CFSE. Strong field ligands produce a larger splitting of the d-orbitals compared to weak field ligands.
- In our examples:
- Water (H2O) is a weak field ligand.
- Cyanide (CN-) is a strong field ligand.

Step 5: Compare CFSE Values
- For the coordination compounds with +3 oxidation states:
- The compounds with water ligands will have lower CFSE values due to the weak field nature of water.
- The compound with cyanide ligands will have a higher CFSE value due to the strong field nature of cyanide.

- Since the compound with cyanide has a +3 charge and a strong field ligand, it will have the maximum CFSE value among the options provided.
- Therefore, the correct answer is the compound with cyanide ligands.

Final Answer
The coordination compound with the maximum CFSE value is the one with cyanide ligands.

