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Five digit numbers are formed using the digits 1,2,3,5,7 with repetitions and are written in descending order with serial numbers.For example,the number 77777 has serial number 1.Then the serial number of 3537 is

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To find the serial number of the five-digit number 35337 formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 with repetitions allowed, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Count numbers starting with 7
The largest digit is 7. We can form five-digit numbers starting with 7 using the digits 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. The remaining four digits can be any of the five digits.

- Total numbers starting with 7 = 54=625

Step 2: Count numbers starting with 5
Next, we consider numbers starting with 5. Again, the remaining four digits can be any of the five digits.

- Total numbers starting with 5 = 54=625

Step 3: Count numbers starting with 3
Now we consider numbers starting with 3. The remaining four digits can also be any of the five digits.

- Total numbers starting with 3 = 54=625

Step 4: Count numbers starting with 35
Next, we consider numbers starting with 35. The remaining three digits can be any of the five digits.

- Total numbers starting with 35 = 53=125

Step 5: Count numbers starting with 353
Now we consider numbers starting with 353. The remaining two digits can be any of the five digits.

- Total numbers starting with 353 = 52=25

Step 6: Count numbers starting with 3533
Next, we consider numbers starting with 3533. The remaining digit can be any of the five digits.

- Total numbers starting with 3533 = 51=5

Step 7: Count numbers starting with 35337
Finally, we consider the number 35337 itself. This is the specific number we are looking for.

- Total numbers starting with 35337 = 1

Step 8: Sum all the counts
Now we sum all the counts from the previous steps to find the serial number of 35337:

- Total = 625+625+625+125+25+5+1

Calculating this:

- 625+625=1250
- 1250+625=1875
- 1875+125=2000
- 2000+25=2025
- 2025+5=2030
- 2030+1=2031

Thus, the serial number of the number 35337 is 2031.

Updated on:8/8/2024

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