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Integrate : xx+x2dx

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To solve the integral xx+x2dx, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the integrand
We start by rewriting the expression under the square root:
Thus, the integral becomes:

Step 2: Use substitution
Let t=1+x. Then, dt=dx and x=t1. We also need to change the limits of integration if they were defined, but since we are finding an indefinite integral, we can proceed with the substitution:

Step 3: Expand the integrand
Now we can expand (t1)3/2 using the binomial theorem:
(t1)3/2=t3/232t1/2+(higher order terms)
Thus, the integral becomes:

Step 4: Integrate term by term
Now we can integrate term by term:

Step 5: Substitute back for t
Now we substitute back t=1+x:

Step 6: Simplify the expression
Expanding the terms gives:

Final Answer
Thus, the final result of the integral is:
