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Using the sum of G.P., prove that an+bn(a,bN) is divisble by a+b for odd natural numbers n. Hence prove that 199+299+.10099 is divisble by 10100

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an+bna+b=an(1(ba)n)a(1(ba)), if n is odd
=an1⎜ ⎜1(ba)n1(ba)⎟ ⎟
=an1b×an2+b2×an3.+(1)n1×bn1, which is an integer
Thus, an+bn is divisble by a+b for odd positive natural numbers. Now, 199+299+...+10099=(199+10099)+(299+9999)+...+(5099+5199)
Each bracket is divisble by 101 and hence, the sum is divisbleby 101.
Also, 199+299+...+10099=(199+9999)+(299+9899+...+(4999+5199)+5099+100(99)
Here, each bracket and 5099 and 10099 are divisble by 100.
Hence, the sum is divisble by 100.
Hence, sum is divisble by 101×100=10100.
