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To get n-type semicoductor from silicon, it should be doped with a substance with group no.……









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The correct Answer is:B

To determine the group number of the substance that should be used to dope silicon in order to create an n-type semiconductor, follow these steps:

1. Understanding Semiconductors:
- Semiconductors are materials that have electrical conductivity between that of conductors and insulators. They can be modified by adding impurities, a process known as doping.

2. Types of Doping:
- There are two types of doping: n-type and p-type.
- n-type doping introduces extra electrons into the semiconductor, while p-type doping creates "holes" (positive charge carriers).

3. Identifying n-type Doping:
- To create an n-type semiconductor from silicon (which is a group 14 element), we need to add an element that has more valence electrons than silicon.

4. Valence Electrons of Silicon:
- Silicon has 4 valence electrons (as it is in group 14). To create an n-type semiconductor, we need to introduce extra electrons.

5. Choosing the Right Dopant:
- Elements from group 15 of the periodic table have 5 valence electrons. When these elements are added to silicon, they provide an extra electron, which contributes to the n-type conductivity.

6. Examples of Group 15 Elements:
- Common group 15 elements used for doping silicon include phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), and antimony (Sb).

7. Conclusion:
- Therefore, to get an n-type semiconductor from silicon, it should be doped with a substance from group number 15.

Final Answer:
To get an n-type semiconductor from silicon, it should be doped with a substance from group number 15.

