Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Explain how the movement of leaves of a sensitive plant is different from movement
of shoots towards light ?

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The movement of plant shoot towards light is called phototropism. It is a directional
movement in which there is growth movement of a plant part (shoot) in response to
an external stimulus (light) .The plant stem responds to light and bends towerds it
due to the action of 'auxin hormone'.
The movement of the leaves of a sensitive plant is called Nastic movement. It is also
called Thigmonasty . It is a non-directional movement of plant part (leaves) in
response to touch or vibration. The folding up pf leaves of a sensitive plant (like
mimosa ) on toching is due to the sudden loss water from pad like swellings
called pulvine present at the base of all leaves.
