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What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolrooms that Margie and Tommy have in the story?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Introduction to Mechanical Teachers and Schoolrooms:
- Margie and Tommy, the characters in the story "The Fun They Had," had unique educational setups compared to traditional schools.

2. Features of Mechanical Teachers:
- Big Black Screens: The mechanical teachers had large black screens where questions and answers were displayed.
- Slots for Homework and Test Papers: There were slots in the mechanical teachers where students would insert their homework and test papers.
- Punch Code System: Students had to write their answers in a punch code, which the mechanical teachers could read and evaluate.
- Automatic Grading: The mechanical teachers were capable of calculating and providing marks automatically.

3. Features of Schoolrooms:
- Location: The schoolrooms were located in the students' homes. Margie's schoolroom, for instance, was next to her bedroom.
- No Classmates: Unlike traditional schools, Margie and Tommy did not have classmates. They studied alone.
- Subjects Studied: The subjects they studied included Geography, History, and Arithmetic.
- Regular Schedule: They had regular school days and hours, similar to traditional schools, but did not attend school on Saturdays and Sundays.
- Parental Influence: Margie's mother believed in maintaining regular study hours for better learning, hence the fixed schedule.
