Two person AandB take turns in throwing a pair of dice. The first person to through 9 from both dice will win the game. If A throwns fisrt then the probability that B wins the game is.

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Total number of ways sum of both dice can come 9=4
Total number of combinations of both dice =66=36
Probability of winnining, P(W)=436=19
Probability of losing, P(L)=119=89
As A starts first probability of B winning in first attempt=1989
Probability of B winning in second attempt =89898919=(89)319
Probability of B winning in third attempt =(89)519
Probability of B winning P(B)=19(89+(89)3+(89)5+...)
P(B)=19⎜ ⎜891(89)2⎟ ⎟=8181781=817

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Updated on:21/07/2023

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