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If repetition of digits is not allowed, how many nkumbers of four digits divisible by 5 can be formed with the digits 0,4,5,6,7?

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To solve the problem of how many four-digit numbers divisible by 5 can be formed with the digits 0, 4, 5, 6, and 7 without repetition, we can break it down into two cases based on the last digit (unit's place) being either 0 or 5.

Step 1: Identify the last digit options.
The last digit of a number must be either 0 or 5 for the number to be divisible by 5.

Step 2: Case 1 - Last digit is 0.
- If the last digit is 0, the first digit (thousands place) cannot be 0 (to ensure it's a four-digit number). The possible digits for the first digit are 4, 5, 6, or 7.
- This gives us 4 options for the first digit.

Step 3: Choose the first digit.
- After selecting the first digit, we have 3 remaining digits to choose from for the second digit (hundreds place).
- After selecting the second digit, we have 2 remaining digits to choose from for the third digit (tens place).

Step 4: Calculate the total for Case 1.
- The total number of combinations when the last digit is 0:
Total=4 (choices for first digit)×3 (choices for second digit)×2 (choices for third digit)=4×3×2=24

Step 5: Case 2 - Last digit is 5.
- If the last digit is 5, the first digit can be 4, 6, or 7 (it cannot be 0 or 5).
- This gives us 3 options for the first digit.

Step 6: Choose the first digit.
- After selecting the first digit, we have 3 remaining digits (including 0) to choose from for the second digit.
- After selecting the second digit, we have 2 remaining digits to choose from for the third digit.

Step 7: Calculate the total for Case 2.
- The total number of combinations when the last digit is 5:
Total=3 (choices for first digit)×3 (choices for second digit)×2 (choices for third digit)=3×3×2=18

Step 8: Combine the totals from both cases.
- The total number of four-digit numbers divisible by 5 is:
Total=24 (from Case 1)+18 (from Case 2)=42

Final Answer:
The total number of four-digit numbers that can be formed with the digits 0, 4, 5, 6, and 7, which are divisible by 5, is 42.

