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Prove that: logax=logbx×logcb××lognm×logan

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To prove that:


we will start from the right-hand side and simplify it step by step.

Step 1: Write the right-hand side in terms of logarithm properties

We can express the right-hand side as:


Using the change of base formula, we can rewrite each logarithm:


Step 2: Substitute the expressions into the right-hand side

Now substituting these into the right-hand side gives us:


Step 3: Cancel out the terms

Notice that in this product, all intermediate terms will cancel out:

- The logab in the numerator of the first fraction cancels with the logab in the denominator of the second fraction.
- The logac in the numerator of the second fraction cancels with the logac in the denominator of the third fraction.
- This pattern continues until we reach the last term.

After all cancellations, we are left with:


Step 4: Rewrite the remaining expression

Thus, we can write:


This shows that the right-hand side simplifies to logax.


Therefore, we have proved that:

