Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Give one reaction each showing the reducing and oxidising power of sulphur dioxide.

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(1) SO2, as a reducing agent : In moist condition, sulphur dioxide reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+ or Mn7+ in KMnO4 to Mn2+.
(a) 2FeCl3+SO2+2H2O2FeCl2+H2SO4+2HCl
(b) 2KMnO4+2H2O+5SO2K2SO4+2MnSO4+2H2SO4
(2) SO2 as an oxidising agent : SO2 oxidises H2S(S2) to S0 or ferrous choride ,Fe3+Cl2 to ferric chloride , Fe3+Cl3 .
