Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Rounding Off

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Step-by-Step Solution for Rounding Off

Step 1: Understand the Concept of Rounding Off
Rounding off is a method used to simplify a number by reducing the number of digits while keeping the value close to the original number. The basic rule is to look at the digit immediately to the right of the place value you want to round to.

Step 2: Identify the Number to Round Off
Let's take an example number, say x=7.82. We want to round this number to one decimal place.

Step 3: Look at the Next Digit
In the number 7.82, the digit in the tenths place is 8 and the digit in the hundredths place (the next digit) is 2.

Step 4: Apply the Rounding Rule
According to the rounding rules:
- If the next digit (hundredths place) is less than 5, you keep the tenths place digit the same.
- If the next digit is 5 or greater, you increase the tenths place digit by 1.

In our example, since 2<5, we keep the tenths place digit 8 the same. Thus, 7.82 rounded to one decimal place is 7.8.

Step 5: Practice with Another Example
Let’s consider another number, x=3.94. We want to round this to one decimal place.

- The tenths place is 9 and the hundredths place is 4.
- Since 4<5, we keep the tenths place digit the same. Therefore, 3.94 rounded to one decimal place is 3.9.

Step 6: Rounding Up Example
Now, let’s take x=6.87 and round it to one decimal place.

- The tenths place is 8 and the hundredths place is 7.
- Since 7>5, we increase the tenths place digit 8 by 1. Thus, 6.87 rounded to one decimal place is 6.9.

Step 7: Rounding Off in Addition
If we add 33.3+3.11+0.313:
- First, we perform the addition:
- Now we round 36.723 to one decimal place. The tenths place is 7 and the hundredths place is 2.
- Since 2<5, we keep the tenths place digit 7 the same. Thus, 36.723 rounded to one decimal place is 36.7.

Rounding off helps in simplifying numbers while retaining their approximate value. The key rules are:
- If the next digit is less than 5, keep the digit the same.
- If the next digit is 5 or greater, increase the digit by 1.
