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Unimolecular Nucleophilic Reaction

In earlier classes, you would have studied out about classification of chemical reactions, and in that classification, one of the significant class of reactions is the substitution reaction.

In the substitution reaction, one chemical group replaces another in the molecule structure. It is an extremely useful reaction for achieving useful synthetic transformations. Substitution reactions can be electrophilic or nucleophilic. In this article, we will discuss unimolecular nucleophilic substitution reactions or SN1, here SN stands for nucleophilic substitution and 1 denotes rate-determining step, i.e. unimolecular. Before we explore the nucleophilic substitution mechanism, let us first understand as to what is a nucleophile.

Nucleophile Definition

A Nucleophile is an abundant electron species which reacts with an electron-deficient species which is known as an electrophile.  Typical nucleophiles are hydroxide ions, cyanide ions, ammonia and water. Some nucleophiles bear negative charge like H3CO- , CN-, and some nucleophiles can be neutral like NH3, H2O, etc. Typically, nucleophiles have lone pair of electrons which can be donated to an electrophile for proceeding with the bond formation.  A molecule can possess several nucleophilic sites like HOCH2CH2NH2.  Pi (π) electrons present in a double bond are loosely held, and they can also behave as a nucleophile, for example, CH3CH=CH2.

What is Nucleophilic substitution reaction (SN)?

In nucleophilic substitution reactions, a nucleophile replaces a chemical group in a molecule. Nucleophilic substitution reactions are useful in forming carbon-carbon bond and also a bond among a heteroatom and carbon.

An assortment of substrates like halides, esters, alcohols, can experience substitution reactions. While the reaction result would include a substitution, nonetheless, contingent upon the reaction conditions, the mechanism would be distinct. A typical nucleophilic reaction substitution reaction can be represented as R-X + Nu-R-Nu + X,  here R-X is an alkyl halide, and Nu is a nucleophile.

A substrate progressing through a nucleophilic substitution reaction will have a carbon atom bonded to a heteroatom. The heteroatom X is named as a leaving group. Presence of the heteroatom, which is regularly more electronegative than carbon, renders the carbon to which an electron-deficient or electrophilic is attached. In the above condition, as the nucleophile is negatively charged, the leaving group also dissociates with its pair of electrons as a negative charged species.

Unimolecular Nucleophilic Reaction (SN1) mechanism

As already mentioned previously in the same article, that in SN1, S indicates  Substitution, N indicates Nucleophilic & 1(one) for rate-determining step. The reactions involve bond dissociation and bond formation. The overall rate of the reaction is decided by the slowest step, which is known as the rate-determining step of the reaction. In the SN1 reaction, the rate-determining step is unimolecular since the reaction rate depends on the single reactant concentration

The Unimolecular Nucleophilic Reaction is carried out in two steps which involve the formation of a carbocation intermediate complex, which is then undergoing a nucleophile attack to yield the product and can be depicted as below.

intermediate  carbocation 

The rate-determining step in an SN1 reaction, is the loss of the leaving group to form the intermediate carbocation. The magnitude of the stability of the carbocation is directly proportional to the rate of the SN1 reaction. The reaction is the first-order reaction.

A good reaction mechanism accounts for the formation of all the products formed, the formation of intermediates (if any), chemical kinetics of the reaction and stereochemical product of the reaction.

Now we before exploring the SN1 reaction kinetics, we have to understand the impact of the concentrations of various reactants on the rate of the reaction briefly, so for that consider a bimolecular reaction of the sort A + B à C. There can be two things.

i) Both the reactants A and B will collide, and the reaction will proceed to the product formation. In this case, concentrations of both the reactants, A and B, will decide the probability of the reaction and the reaction rate.

ii) Here suppose, reactant A undergoes some modification to form an intermediate complex by the slowest process which is the rate-determining step, since the overall rate of the reaction is decided by r.d.s. When this intermediate complex is formed, it is attacked by B in a fast step to form the product C. Here, the rate is administered by just the concentration of A and is not influenced by the concentration of the reactant B.

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Kinetics of SN1 Reaction

On account of kinetic studies on the SN1 reaction, it was observed that changing the concentration of the nucleophile had no impact on the rate of the reaction. This implies the nucleophile concentration is not engaged with the rate-determining step, if it had been included in r.d.s, then the changes in its concentration would have affected the affected rate of the reaction. This further confirms the reaction proceeds through two steps, and the nucleophile participates just in the second step.

These observations indicate that the first step that involved the formation of the carbocation by loss of the leaving group (LG ) is the slow step. When the carbocation is formed, the attack of the nucleophile takes place rapidly to form the substitution product. The rate of formation of the carbocation is directly proportional to the rate of the SN1 reaction. Changing the concentration of the nucleophile had no impact on the rate of the reaction.

Thus, the rate of the reaction is an element of just concentration of RX and is not influenced by the concentration of the nucleophile and can be represented as Rate = k [RX], where k is the rate constant and [R-X] represents the concentration of the alkyl halide.

Factors Favoring The SN1 Reaction

As learnt already above that nucleophile has no influence on the rate of an SN1 reaction.  It implies that we only have to focus and consider the electrophile, generally an alkyl halide.  The SN1 reaction is often susceptible to side reactions (elimination reaction,  Carbocation rearrangements); therefore, it is not used much in the synthesis as compared to the SN2 reaction.

So to design an effective SN1 reaction with an alkyl halide, we must have:

  • A good leaving group, LG, (preferably I or Br)
  • A highly substituted alkyl halide (preferably tertiary or resonance-stabilized, but secondary may be possible), one which will not lead to rearrangement of the carbocation.
  • A non-basic nucleophile (to reduce the risk of elimination side reaction)
  • A suitable solvent – polar protic is most effective.

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