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Differentiate between Gamosepalous and polysepalous

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Sepals:
- Sepals are the outermost parts of a flower, typically green, that protect the developing flower bud.

2. Understanding Gamosepalous:
- The term "gamosepalous" refers to a condition where the sepals are fused or united together. This means that instead of being separate, the sepals form a single structure.
- Example: A common example of a gamosepalous flower is the hibiscus, where the sepals are fused at the base to create a single unit.

3. Understanding Polysepalous:
- The term "polysepalous" refers to a condition where the sepals are distinct and separate from one another. This means that each sepal is an individual unit.
- Example: A common example of a polysepalous flower is the rose, where the sepals are separate and can be counted individually.

4. Visual Representation:
- In gamosepalous flowers, the sepals appear as a single structure, while in polysepalous flowers, the sepals are clearly visible as individual parts.

5. Summary of Differences:
- Gamosepalous: Sepals are fused together; example: hibiscus.
- Polysepalous: Sepals are separate; example: rose.
