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Differentiate between Plant cells and animal cells

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Size:
- Plant Cells: Generally larger than animal cells.
- Animal Cells: Generally smaller than plant cells.

2. Cell Wall:
- Plant Cells: Have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose, which provides structural support.
- Animal Cells: Lack a cell wall; they have only a flexible plasma membrane.

3. Plasmodesmata:
- Plant Cells: Contain plasmodesmata, which are channels that allow communication and transport between adjacent cells.
- Animal Cells: Do not have plasmodesmata.

4. Vacuoles:
- Plant Cells: Typically have a large, permanent central vacuole that stores water, nutrients, and waste products.
- Animal Cells: Have smaller, temporary vacuoles that may be involved in storage and transport.

5. Centrioles:
- Plant Cells: Centrioles are absent; plant cells do not have centrioles.
- Animal Cells: Centrioles are present and play a key role in cell division by helping to form spindle fibers.

6. Lysosomes:
- Plant Cells: Lysosomes are rare and not commonly found.
- Animal Cells: Lysosomes are present and are involved in digestion and waste removal.

7. Storage Materials:
- Plant Cells: Store energy primarily in the form of starch grains.
- Animal Cells: Store energy mainly as glycogen granules.

Summary Table:

| Feature | Plant Cells | Animal Cells |
| Size | Larger | Smaller |
| Cell Wall | Present (cellulose) | Absent |
| Plasmodesmata | Present | Absent |
| Vacuoles | Large and permanent | Small and temporary |
| Centrioles | Absent | Present |
| Lysosomes | Rare | Present |
| Storage Materials | Starch grains | Glycogen granules |
