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Differentiate between :
Turgid and Flaccid cell

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To differentiate between turgid and flaccid cells, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define Turgid Cell
A turgid cell is one that has absorbed water and is swollen. This typically occurs when a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, where the concentration of solute outside the cell is lower than inside the cell. As a result, water enters the cell through osmosis, causing it to swell and become turgid.

Step 2: Characteristics of Turgid Cell
- Appearance: Turgid cells are firm and swollen.
- Water Content: High water content due to the influx of water.
- Pressure: The internal pressure (turgor pressure) against the cell wall is high, which helps maintain the structure of the plant.

Step 3: Define Flaccid Cell
A flaccid cell is one that has lost water and has returned to its normal shape after being in a hypertonic or isotonic solution. In this state, the cell does not have high turgor pressure, and the cell membrane is not pressed tightly against the cell wall.

Step 4: Characteristics of Flaccid Cell
- Appearance: Flaccid cells are limp and not firm.
- Water Content: Lower water content as compared to turgid cells.
- Pressure: The internal pressure is low, and the cell may appear shriveled or wilted.

Summary Table

| Feature | Turgid Cell | Flaccid Cell |
| Definition | Cell swollen due to water intake | Cell that has lost water and is limp |
| Appearance | Firm and swollen | Limp and not firm |
| Water Content | High | Low |
| Internal Pressure | High (turgor pressure) | Low |
