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How allergy get started?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Allergens: Allergies begin when a substance known as an allergen enters the body. Common allergens include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, certain foods, and medications.

Hint: Think of allergens as substances that can trigger an allergic reaction in some people.

2. Immune System Response: The immune system mistakenly identifies the allergen as a harmful substance. This is a critical point because the immune system's job is to protect the body from harmful invaders.

Hint: Remember that the immune system is like a security system that sometimes makes mistakes.

3. Antibody Production: In response to the perceived threat, the immune system starts producing specific antibodies (IgE) against the allergen. These antibodies are meant to neutralize harmful substances.

Hint: Antibodies are like soldiers that the immune system sends out to fight off what it thinks is an enemy.

4. Allergic Reaction: When the allergen enters the body again, these antibodies trigger the release of chemicals, such as histamines, which lead to allergic symptoms. This can result in reactions like sneezing, itching, rashes, or even more severe symptoms.

Hint: Think of the allergic reaction as a false alarm that causes the body to overreact to something harmless.

5. Symptoms of Allergy: The symptoms can vary widely and may include skin rashes, runny nose, sneezing, and other discomforts. These symptoms are the body's way of responding to what it mistakenly believes is a threat.

Hint: Symptoms are the signs that your body is reacting to the allergen, even though it’s not harmful.

Allergies start when allergens enter the body, causing the immune system to mistakenly identify them as harmful. This leads to the production of antibodies and the release of chemicals that result in allergic symptoms.
