1. On June 24, 1859, Emperors Napoleon III and Franz Joseph I engaged in the Battle of Solferino, commanding a combined total of about 270,000 troops onto the field for a single day of battle. Nearly 40,000 were either dead, injured, or missing, many of whom were simply left to die on the battlefield. Later, spectators crowded the fields, looking for loved ones, searching for items they could sell, or simply taking in the horrors of the battle. A Swiss businessman and social activist Jean Henri Dunant, who was travelling in Solferino witnessed all this.
2. Jean Henri Dunant witnessed the atrocities of war as well as the countries not prepared or equipped to ease the suffering of those who had been injured in the Battle of Solferino. Dunant organised a group of volunteers to help bring water and food to the injured, to assist with medical treatment, or write letters to the families of those who were dying and he urged the public to create an organisation which would assist the wounded, regardless of which side they fought for during times of war. After that moment, he wrote the book, A Memory of Solferino, which urged the public to create an organisation which would assist the wounded, regardless of which side they fought for during times of war. His writing inspired countless others to rally behind him in the creation of the International Federation of the Red Cross.
3. The modern-day Red Cross began by Devoting itself largely to disaster relief and epidemic treatment. This effort continues to this day. One of the easiest ways you can help the Red Cross is to make sure you are able to donate blood and make an appointment at the Red Cross website. But, donating blood isn't the only way you can help out-the Red Cross also encourages donating your time if you can. This is what the Red Cross wants everyone to know.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the question:
The most appropriate sub-heading to para 2 of the passage is:
How International Red Cross Evolved
Functions of Red Cross
The Contributions of Jean Henri Dunant
The Battle of Solferino
How International Federation Red Cross Evolved
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View Solution1. Keep your watch accurate. For some people, moving up the time on their watch will help them get up earlier. For others, they will remember that the time on the watch is wrong and will disregard it altogether. It may be helpful to set your watch just two minutes ahead instead of five or ten.
2. Keep a clock, phone, computer or anything that displays time in each room of your house. One of the easiest ways to run late is simply by not realising that the time is passing as quickly as it is.
3. Set all your clocks and watches to the same time. Don't be an optimist. Things usually take longer than what you'd expect, even without major delays. If you have a dinner appointment at 7.30 p.m., don't think you can work till 7 p.m., then take a bath, dress and reach on time. Realistically, calculate the time you will take at each step and then add 10 minutes more to allow for unexpected delays, or you cannot get to your job in time.
4. Wake up when you are supposed to wake up. Don't hit the snooze button, keep on lying in bed, and watch TV at the very start of your day. May be try even setting your clock 10 minutes earlier than you need. If you have difficulty with this, move your alarm clock to somewhere away from your bed, that way, you have to get up to turn it off. Commit yourself to being 15 minutes early for everything. If you have to reach your place of work at 8.00, don't even tell yourself this. Just tell yourself (and everyone else who listens - but don't annoy them or make them think that they are late or early!) “I have to be at work at 7.45.” If you do this, you will be on time even with little unforeseen delays. You will be on time even with a traffic jam.
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एक नगर में टैक्सी के भाड़े में एक नियम भाड़े के अतिरिक्त चली गई दुरी पर भाड़ सम्मिलित किए जाता है। 10 किमी दुरी के लिए भाड़ा 105 है तथा 15 किमी के लिए भाड़ा क्या है ? एक व्यक्ति को 25 किमी यात्रा करने के लिए कितना भाड़ा देना होगा ?
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रेखिक समीकरणों के युग्म बनाइए और उनके हल (यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) विलोपन विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
किराए पर पुस्तके देने वाले किसी पुस्तकालय का प्रथम तीन दिनों का एक नियम किराया है तथा उसके बाद प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का अलग किराया है । सरिता ने सात दिनों तक एक पुस्तक रखने के लिए 27 अदा किए जबकि सुसी ने एक पुस्तक पाँच दिनों तक रखने के 21 ऐडा किए । नियत किराया तथा प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का किराया ज्ञात कीजिए ।
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रैखिक समीकरणो के युग्म बनाइए और अनके हल ( यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) किसी बीजगणितीय विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
एक छात्रावास के मासिक व्यय का एक भाग नियत है तथा शेष इस पर निर्भर करता है कि छात्र ने कितने दिन भोजन लिया है। जब एक विद्यार्थी A को, जो 20 दिन भोजन करता है, 1000 छात्रावास के व्यय के लिए अदा करने पड़ते हैं, जबकि एक विद्यार्थी बी को, जो 26 दिन भोजन करता है छात्रावास के व्यय के लिए 1180 अदा करने पड़ते हैं। नियत व्यय और प्रतिदिन के भोजन का मूल्य ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रैखिक समीकरणो के युग्म बनाइए और अनके हल ( यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) किसी बीजगणितीय विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
यश ने एक टेस्ट में 40 अंक अर्जिक किये, जब उसे प्रत्येक सही उत्तर पर 3 अंक मिले तथा अशुध्द उत्तर पर 1 अंक की कटौती की गई । यदि उसे सही उत्तर पर 4 अंक मिलते तथा अशुध्द उत्तर पर 2 अंक कटते , तो यश 50 अंक अर्जिक करता । टेस्ट में किनते प्रश्न थे ?
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