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Define amplitude of a vibrating body. What is its SI unit?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Amplitude:
- Amplitude refers to the maximum displacement of a vibrating body from its mean (or rest) position. It indicates how far the body moves from its central position during vibration.

2. Understanding Mean Position:
- The mean position is the central point around which the body vibrates. When the body vibrates, it moves to either side of this mean position.

3. Maximum Displacement:
- The amplitude is specifically the greatest distance that the vibrating particle moves from the mean position, whether to the left or right.

4. SI Unit of Amplitude:
- Since amplitude is a measure of displacement, its SI unit is the meter (m), which is the standard unit for measuring length.

Final Answer:
- The amplitude of a vibrating body is defined as the maximum displacement produced in the vibrating particle on either side of the mean position. Its SI unit is meters (m).

