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State and explain Newton's first law of motion.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

Step 1: State Newton's First Law of Motion
Newton's First Law of Motion states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.

Step 2: Explain the Components of the Law
- Rest and Uniform Motion: The law applies to two states of motion: an object at rest (not moving) and an object in uniform motion (moving at a constant speed in a straight line).
- External Force: The law emphasizes that a change in the state of motion (either from rest to motion or from motion to rest, or a change in direction) can only occur if an external force acts on the object.

Step 3: Discuss Inertia
- The tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion is known as inertia. This means that an object will not start moving, stop moving, or change direction unless a force is applied.

Step 4: Examples to Illustrate the Law
- Example 1: A book lying on a table will remain at rest until someone pushes it (external force).
- Example 2: A car moving at a constant speed on a straight road will continue to move in that direction unless the driver applies the brakes (external force) or turns the steering wheel (changing direction).

Step 5: Conclusion
Newton's First Law of Motion highlights the concept of inertia and the role of external forces in changing the motion of objects.

