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What is meant by resolution of vectors ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Vectors: A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. For example, a force applied in a certain direction can be represented as a vector.

2. Definition of Resolution of Vectors: The resolution of vectors refers to the process of breaking down a single vector into two or more components that are easier to work with. This is typically done along perpendicular directions (like the x-axis and y-axis in a Cartesian coordinate system).

3. Illustrating with an Example: Consider a vector v1 that is acting at an angle θ to a reference direction (like the horizontal axis).

4. Resolving the Vector: To resolve v1:
- The component of the vector along the reference direction (let's say the horizontal direction) is given by:
- The component of the vector perpendicular to the reference direction (let's say the vertical direction) is given by:

5. Conclusion: The resolution of the vector v1 into its components v1x and v1y allows us to analyze the vector's effect in each direction independently. This is particularly useful in physics and engineering, where forces and motions often occur in multiple dimensions.
