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What is meant by binary solution ?

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1. Definition of Binary Solution: A binary solution is defined as a solution that consists of two components. These components can be any two substances that mix together.

2. Components of a Binary Solution: In a binary solution, one of the components is present in a larger quantity, and this component is referred to as the solvent. The other component, which is present in a smaller quantity, is called the solute.

3. Example of a Binary Solution: A common example of a binary solution is salt dissolved in water. In this case, water is the solvent because it is present in a larger amount, while salt is the solute because it is present in a smaller amount.

4. Understanding Solvent and Solute: To clarify further, the solvent is the substance in which the solute dissolves. In the example of salt and water, salt dissolves in water, making water the solvent and salt the solute.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, a binary solution is simply a mixture of two substances where one acts as the solvent and the other as the solute.
