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Why do we prefer potentiometer with a longer bridge wire?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Potentiometer Basics: A potentiometer is an instrument used to measure the potential difference (voltage) across two points in a circuit. It operates on the principle of balancing the potential difference with a known voltage.

2. Potential Gradient Concept: The potential gradient (k) is defined as the potential difference per unit length of the wire. It is given by the formula:
where V is the total potential difference across the length L of the wire.

3. Effect of Length on Potential Gradient: If we increase the length of the bridge wire (L), the potential gradient (k) decreases. For example, if we have a 1-meter long wire with a potential difference of 1V, the potential gradient would be:
If we increase the length to 10 meters while keeping the same potential difference, the new potential gradient would be:

4. Increased Accuracy with Lower Potential Gradient: A lower potential gradient means that the potential difference changes more gradually along the length of the wire. This allows for more precise measurements of potential differences at various points along the wire. For instance, with a potential gradient of 0.1V/m, the potential difference changes by 0.1V for every meter, allowing for finer resolution in measurements.

5. Example Calculation: If the potential gradient is k=102V/m, then for a 1-meter wire, you can measure potential differences at 100 different points (since 1m/102=100). If the potential gradient is k=104V/m, you can measure potential differences at 10,000 different points (since 1m/104=10,000). This illustrates how a longer wire increases the number of measurable points, enhancing accuracy.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, using a longer bridge wire in a potentiometer is preferred because it reduces the potential gradient, which in turn increases the accuracy of voltage measurements across the wire.
