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Write the use of a divider.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of a Divider: A divider is a tool that consists of two pointed ends and is used for measuring distances or drawing circles. It resembles a pair of compasses but is typically used for different purposes.

2. Primary Use - Measuring Distance: One of the main uses of a divider is to measure the distance between two points. For example, if you want to measure the length of a line, you can place one point of the divider at one end of the line and the other point at the other end. By then measuring the distance between the two points of the divider, you can determine the length of the line without needing to directly use a ruler.

3. Secondary Use - Drawing Circles: Another important use of a divider is to draw circles. To do this, you can fix one point of the divider at the center of where you want the circle to be, and then rotate the other point around it. This creates a perfect circle on the surface, whether it’s wood or plastic.

4. Additional Applications: Dividers can also be used in various fields such as carpentry, geometry, and engineering for precise measurements and drawings. They are especially useful when a ruler cannot be used due to the size or shape of the object being measured.

5. Conclusion: In summary, the divider is a versatile tool primarily used for measuring distances and drawing circles, making it an essential instrument in various practical applications.
