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Draw a circle and two lines parallel to a given line such that one is a tangent and the other, a secant to the circle.

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To solve the problem of drawing a circle and two lines parallel to a given line such that one is a tangent and the other is a secant to the circle, follow these steps:

1. Draw a Circle:
- Start by drawing a circle using a compass. Choose a center point (let's call it O) and draw a circle with a suitable radius.

2. Draw a Given Line:
- Next, draw a straight line (let's call it AB) on your paper. This line will serve as the reference for the parallel lines you will draw.

3. Determine the Position of the Tangent Line:
- To draw a tangent line parallel to line AB, you need to find a point on the circle. Choose a point on the circumference of the circle (let's call it P).

4. Draw the Tangent Line:
- From point P, draw a line (let's call it PQ) that is parallel to line AB. This line will be the tangent to the circle at point P. Ensure that it only touches the circle at point P.

5. Determine the Position of the Secant Line:
- Now, you need to draw a secant line. Choose a point outside the circle (let's call it Q) such that when you draw a line through Q, it intersects the circle at two points.

6. Draw the Secant Line:
- Draw a line (let's call it CD) that passes through point Q and intersects the circle at two points (let's call them C and D). This line will be the secant to the circle.

7. Verify Parallelism:
- Ensure that both lines PQ (the tangent) and CD (the secant) are parallel to the original line AB.

Final Diagram:
- You should now have a circle with:
- A tangent line PQ that touches the circle at point P.
- A secant line CD that intersects the circle at points C and D.
- Both lines PQ and CD are parallel to the given line AB.
