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how may four letter words can be formed uysing het letters of the word FAILURE so that F is included in each word? F is not include in any word?

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To solve the problem of how many four-letter words can be formed using the letters of the word "FAILURE" under the specified conditions, we will break it down into two parts:

1. When 'F' is included in each word.
2. When 'F' is not included in any word.

Part 1: F is included in each word

1. Identify the letters available: The word "FAILURE" consists of 7 letters: F, A, I, L, U, R, E.

2. Fix 'F' in the word: Since 'F' must be included in every word, we will use 'F' and select 3 more letters from the remaining 6 letters (A, I, L, U, R, E).

3. Select 3 letters from the remaining 6: We need to find the number of ways to choose 3 letters from the remaining 6 letters. This can be done using combinations:
Number of ways to choose 3 letters from 6=(63)

4. Calculate (63):

5. Arrange the 4 letters: Now, we have 4 letters (F and the 3 chosen letters) that can be arranged in:
4!=24 ways

6. Total arrangements when F is included:

Part 2: F is not included in any word

1. Identify the letters available: Again, the letters of the word "FAILURE" are F, A, I, L, U, R, E. If 'F' is not included, we have the letters A, I, L, U, R, E (6 letters).

2. Select 4 letters from the remaining 6: We need to find the number of ways to choose 4 letters from these 6 letters. This can be done using combinations:
Number of ways to choose 4 letters from 6=(64)

3. Calculate (64):

4. Arrange the 4 letters: Now, we have 4 letters that can be arranged in:
4!=24 ways

5. Total arrangements when F is not included:

Final Answers:
- When F is included: 480
- When F is not included: 360
