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Let ABC be a triangle with incentre I and inradius r. Let D, E, F be the feet of the perpendiculars from I to the sides BC, CA and AB, respectively, If r2 and r3 are the radii of circles inscribed in the quadrilaterls AFIE, BDIF and CEID respectively, then prove that r1rr1+r2rr2+r3rr3=r1r2r3(rr1)(rr2)(rr3)

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I is incenter of ΔABC.
r1 is the radius of the circle inscribed in quadrilateral AFIE. From the figure, AF and AE are tangents to the circle.
Also IE and IF are tangent to the circle.
So AI is passing through the center of the circle by summetry.
Now ON is parallel to IE
So ΔANOandΔOMI are similar.
MI, we have cot.A2=OMIM=r1rr1
Similarly from other circles we get
Now in ΔABC, we know that
