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Suppose y=x-1. Describe the graph of y=3(x-1).

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To describe the graph of y=3(x1) in relation to the graph of y=x1, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the original function
The original function is y=x1. This is a linear function with a slope of 1 and a y-intercept of -1.

Step 2: Find key points of the original function
To graph y=x1, we can find some key points:
- When x=0:
y=01=1(Point: (0, -1))
- When y=0:
0=x1x=1(Point: (1, 0))

Step 3: Plot the points of the original function
Now, we plot the points (0, -1) and (1, 0) on a graph and draw a straight line through these points. This line represents the graph of y=x1.

Step 4: Analyze the new function
The new function is y=3(x1). This can be rewritten as:
This is also a linear function, but it has a slope of 3 and a y-intercept of -3.

Step 5: Find key points of the new function
To graph y=3(x1), we can find some key points:
- When x=0:
y=3(01)=3(1)=3(Point: (0, -3))
- When y=0:
0=3(x1)x1=0x=1(Point: (1, 0))

Step 6: Plot the points of the new function
Now, we plot the points (0, -3) and (1, 0) on the same graph.

Step 7: Describe the transformation
The graph of y=3(x1) is a vertical stretch of the graph of y=x1 by a factor of 3. This means that for every point on the original graph, the corresponding point on the new graph will be three times further away from the x-axis.

The graph of y=3(x1) is steeper than the graph of y=x1 because of the increased slope, and it is shifted downwards by 2 units at x=0.

